Wednesday 2 April 2014

#AnkhonDekhi, the movie

#Ankhon Dekhi
its not often that i get to go to the movies, this visit was somewhat unexpected too. The choice was all but forced upon me, along with the company which was entirely unwelcome! Clouds do have silver linings though and in this case it was a big broad one!
Ah the film, the film !!! is like a shiny bright star amidst the usual dross that the Hindi film industry serves for the consumption of its usually unsuspecting and indulgent audiences!!!
the first thing that strikes the senses is the camera, its eye synchronous with mine, creating the affect of a hand held camera. it takes one through the antiquated world of the by lanes of old Delhi, its dilapidated squalor, somewhat repulsive, yet oh so true a picture of middle class existence amidst the din and the stench.
its a world created with understanding and love, a frame created to tell the tale of Babuji, with empathy and an intelligence so rare that it is remarkable. the narrative has multiple layers, the conversations crisp and riddled with delightful innuendo, such a pleasure to decipher.

the film though is remarkable not just for narrative style, but for unusual content as well. its all about individual perspective and how the chief protagonist, played exceptionally well by #Sanjay Mishra, decides one day that he shall test every truth he has thus far believed in literally with his own eyes. thus begins a journey, a journey that takes the audience to the testing of many a untested axiom....has anyone ever 'seen' two parallel lines meet at the point of infinity? for example. that question wins Babuji the first, in a group of followers, all attracted toward a somewhat maverick individual breaking convention and seeking to live the courage of his convictions. its as much a journey within, as it is without, as much an attempt to understand the self,as it is to understand the world.Of course Babuji falls through the net of 'normalcy' and this heaps many a woe upon him and his family, unable to understand the cause, the effect or the ultimate inevitable  trajectory the journey is destined to take.
its an outstanding film, more than that its a brilliant idea and what is more the luminous  content is further brightened by the excellent story telling skills that #Rajat Kapoor displays. the film belongs to the cast and the crew, as also to #Kailash Kher.
it was gratifying to watch, almost a restoration of faith in the intelligence of human agency!!!
the only people who will not like it, will be those who will walk in expecting the usual Bollywood fare and encounter a  rich multi-layered narrative instead. thank you and kudos to all those who worked to make it so.
vinny jain


  1. music is by Sagar Desai, not Kailash Kher

  2. yes of course :-) did not mean to cause you any slight, just liked his rendering of Hath lagi, lagi, nayee dhoop. apologies if i inadvertently caused distress :)
