Saturday 28 November 2015


What is it that you seek? He asked, 
I see you roam the streets, 
Traverse the mountains and the seas. 
Hug a tree and collect the dew 
Or run the sands with your fingers, through,
You smile with the flowers and hum with the bees, 
What is it that you seek? 
Ah ! She said , you see the imp in me!
Then why is it that you don't see, 
That which reveals itself so readily, 
In the interregnum betwixt one wave and the crest of the next,
That the sands have a melody, 
That the flowers sway to the humming of the bees! 
That this symphony in C minor, 
That the universe strums, was not just for Beethoven,
Was indeed, intended for you and me !
- Vinny 

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