Friday 5 September 2014

HamSafar: the television Drama

i don't watch television, not often and not for the popular serialized dramas, however had been hearing a great deal, all of it laudatory about the Pakistani channel 'Zindagi' for the past few weeks....
heard that a tele series that had taken all of Pakistan by storm and had made superstars out of its lead players was about to debut on that channel...
checked it out on YouTube...!
what a revelation this has been! i've often read books from cover to cover, to the neglect of food and sleep, cause they have been unputdownable...this tele series is in the same league!!!
i watched the first episode and then all the rest (23 in all ) over the next day and a half!!!
i was led by the hand through the entire gamut of emotions that a human being is capable of experiencing, i wept my heart out and smiled from ear to ear, empathized with the oh so real characters and marveled at the skills of the actors. its a great story told with sensitive sublime subtlety..
its a gripping tale, somewhat excessive, but equally true to life in the sub continent, which can be excessively dramatic. the plot is never lost, as it sometimes is, in futile attempts to drag out popular serials by mediocre directors seeking TRPs. the narrative crisp, the language melodious, indeed its such a pleasure to hear the soft pronunciations of polished Urdu, like music to the ears!
the director must be a superstar and oh yes Fawad Khan is undoubtedly a super super star :)
It is in the final analysis, a love story. if the finding of love is eternal peace in paradise, then this is the story of paradise found, lost and regained. it does feel a little Mills and Boonish, but we all loved those, didn't we?!
its wonderful, it really watch
23 episodes, this the watch!!!

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