Monday 14 December 2015

The Spell

The Spell
When did you and I happen? She asked, 
Was it as sudden for you as it was for me?
Did it all happen all at once?
No, he said, I had this slow insidious burn,
Gnawing, never ceasing,
that I suppressed for as long as I could,
Till it burst forth, aflame,
Could be denied no more,
Is that when we connected? She asked,
For I remember the fear the fires induced,
That drove me to the peace of the waters blue,
True, we did walk around aglow, licked by the flames,
We didn't quite know how to tame,
Then our conversations caught fire she said,
And I waited for them to recede to an amiable Amber glow ,
Thereafter the rainbows burst forth, glittery and new,
Emerging in all those myriad hues,
When the bees sang amongst the flowers that drank dew,
When fireflies fluttered creating that special milieu,
And we were often drunk on sweet scented vapours,
That were ether infused,
When moonshine induced meditative calm,
That's when I first knew.
I've often wondered since,
Was it you ? Or was it me?
or that extra bit of magic that did us in ?!

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