Monday 7 December 2015


There was a time that you knew all my tales,
I've still so much to say, she said, 
But I fear that you listen no more, 
Are we no longer on the same page?
I listen, he said,
but I often don't quite get what you mean,
Your words are metaphors oblique,
Fathoms deep,
They leave me floundering for intent,
I don't quite know what language you speak.
When did our tale succumb to these tyrannies? She said,
Why is it that we no longer look beyond the words for content?
Why don't the silences speak, when once they sang ?
Ah, my dear I don't quite know what to say, he said,
Perhaps the dark in the words we speak,
Rob the pauses of their fragrance,
Perhaps it's best we turn the page,
Perhaps it's time to get to the end...

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