Monday 8 February 2016

Voices III

Voices III

You have such a way with words, he said, 
For I have heard your words speak in many tongues, 
Unspoken ,When pensive, suspended on sighs,
Unfurl like the white mists,
Wrap themselves around me,
Cold, unforgiving, all obliterating,
I have also heard them sing,
Mellifluous,soft, lilting,
When elation thrills the senses,
When light banishes the dark,
When joy lights little fires within,
I often hear them in the spaces in between,
At their craft of voicing the intended,
Pausing, the unsaid, pregnant with meaning,
Suspended in time, waiting to be read ,
I hear you ponder, debate the intent
The content,
Weigh the phrase for effect,
And I wonder,
Do you know that you let slip,
A thousand words from between your lips,
Discarded unused,
That seep through the threshold of my awareness,
And find their meaning with me ?

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