Sunday 14 February 2016

The Dance

The Dance 
I thought that when one danced the waltz, she said,
One simply followed where led, 
Willingly Suspended disbelief, 
And let the music do the rest, 
And? He said, that's not how it is ?
She sighed, it's more like a battle of wits,
A step forward inevitably followed by two backwards,
Leaving one suspended in space,
Cautiously matching pace,
Folding agonising angularities into pleasing shape,
Struggling to obliterate
The movements, the sounds, the smells,
That share that space,
All senses ablaze,
I so wish, she said,
That closing my eyes could,
Make the world fade away,
Leaving just you and me,
Dancing at will,
Ah, he said,
This is what I understand,
The world may indeed fade away,
But who is to say,
That the forward and the backward,
May mirror our lives,
And that we'd be caught waltzing
To the tunes that time played,
From the nadir to the crest,
There really may be no escape.

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