Friday 2 February 2018



Everyone has a story to tell, he said,
your's for instance, could be Envy,
considering you are all green today!
i wonder what has you so thralled!
Ah, she said,  shouldn't you know?
considering that you  are the one telling the tale!
i merely count the what ifs' and the would bes'
that pepper the telling, he said,
it's your tale, coloured with the oohs' and the ahs'
that collectively give you away!

I've been looking, she said,
in admiration , (i tell myself!)
at this and that and the other,
the curl of that eyelash and the bounty of that mane,
the rose in that cheek and the spring in that step.
the zeal, the zest and the laughter,
the effort in the fragrance, disguised just so, with such elan,
and I've been wondering if i can keep up with the pantomime,
so rehearsed, yet so nonchalant!
yes, i could well be Green, she said!

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